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主持人介紹: Publications





Ph.D. in Food Science and Biotechnology, National Chung Hsing University

MS in Food and Nutrition, Providence University

BS in Food and Nutrition, Providence University


  1. 屏東科技大學食品科學系,助理教授,2021.02-迄今。

  2. 食品藥物管理署研究檢驗組,薦任技正,2017.03-2021.01。

  3. 加州大學戴維斯分校食品科技學系/營養學系,博士後研究,2015.07-2017.02。

  4. 國立大湖農工食品加工科,代理教師,2014.08-2015.01 。

  5. 加州大學戴維斯分校食品科技學系/營養學系,交換博士生。2012.11-2013.11。

  6. 中興大學、弘光科技大學、中州科技大學、中台科技大學,講師/兼任講師, 2009.02-2014.06。


  • 國家考試-高考一級衛生技術、食品技師、營養師

  • 技術士-乙級(食品檢驗分析、化學)、丙級(烘焙食品-麵包/西點蛋糕、中餐/西餐烹調、中式米食加工-米粒類米漿型、中式麵食加工-酥油皮糕漿皮類、飲料調製)

  • 實驗室認證-實驗室認證規範ISO 17025、量測不確定度、測試實驗室主管

  • 其他-保健食品初級工程師能力鑑定、華語導遊、華語領隊、英語領隊


  1. C.A. Price, V. Medici, M.V. Nunez, V. Lee, D.M. Sigala, Y. Benyam, N.L. Keim, A.E. Mason, S.Y. Chen, M. Parenti, C. Slupsky, E.S. Epel, P.J. Havel and K.L. Stanhope. 2021. A Pilot Study Comparing the Effects of Consuming 100% Orange Juice or Sucrose-Sweetened Beverage on Risk Factors for Cardiometabolic Disease in Women. Nutrients, 13(3).

  2. S.Y. Chen, Y.T. Lin, C.F. Tsai, H.F. Cheng, D.Y. Wang and M. Fang. 2021. Elucidation of two new corticosteroids, betamethasone dibutyrate and betamethasone dibutyrate. Steroid, 165, 108739.

  3. Y. Hasegaw, S.Y. Chen, L. Sheng, P. Kumar Jena, K.M. Kalanetra, D.A. Mills, Y.J.Y. Wan and C.M. Slupsky. 2020. Long-term effects of western diet consumption in male and female mice. Scientific Reports 10: 14686.

  4. M.R. Sanctuary, J.N. Kain, S.Y. Chen, K. Kalanetra, D.G. Lemay, D.R. Rose, H.T. Yang, D.J. Tancredi, J.B. German, C.M. Slupsky, P. Ashwood, D.A. Mills, J.T. Smilowitz and K. Angkustsiri. 2019. Pilot study of probiotic/colostrum supplementation on gut function in children with autism and gastrointestinal symptoms. Plos One. 14(1):e0210064.

  5. H. Lee, N. Zavaleta, S.Y. Chen, B. Lönnerdal and C.M. Slupsky. 2018. Effect of bovine milk fat globule membranes as a complementary food on the serum metabolome and immune markers of 6-11-month-old Peruvian infants. npj Science of Food. 2(6).

  6. X. Yin, D.D. Heeney, Y.T. Srisengfa, S.Y. Chen, C.M. Slupsky and M.L. Marco. 2018. Sucrose metabolism alters Lactobacillus plantarum survival and interactions with the microbiota in the digestive tract. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 94 (7).

  7. K.W. Lien, S.Y. Chen, M.H. Pan, and M.P. Ling. 2018. Inspections of imported foods to Taiwan: an overview. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, 14, 183-191.

  8. S.Y. Chen, H.T. Yu, J.P. Kao, C.C. Yang, S.S. Chiang, D.O. Mishchuke, J.L. Mau and C.M. Slupsky. 2015. Consumption of vitamin D2 enhanced mushrooms is associated with improved bone health. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 26(7): 696-703

  9. S.Y. Chen, S.J. Huang, M.C. Cheng, Y.K. Chen, S.C. Yang and J.L. Mau. 2015. Enhancement of vitamin D2 content in Pleurotus mushrooms using pulsed light. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 36(9).

  10. S.Y. Chen, H.T. Yu, J.P. Kao, C.C. Yang, S.S. Chiang, D.O. Mishchuke, J.L. Mau and C.M. Slupsky. 2014. An NMR metabolomic study on the effect of alendronate in ovariectomized mice. PLoS ONE 9(9): e106559.

  11. S.S. Chiang, L.T. Wang, S.Y. Chen and J.L. Mau. 2013. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities of mycelia of a medicinal mushroom from Taiwan, Taiwanofungus salmoneus (higher Basidiomycetes). International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 15(1): 39-47.

  12. S.D. Lin, P. Udompornmongkol, J.H. Yang, S.Y. Chen and J.L. Mau. 2013. Quality and antioxidant property of three types of tea infusions. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 38(4): 1401-1408.

  13. S.Y. Chen, K.J. Ho, C.H. Liang, C.H. Tsai, L.Y. Huang and J.L. Mau. 2012. Preparation of culinary-medicinal king oyster mushroom Pleurotus eryngii–fermented products with high ergothioneine content and their taste quality. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 14: 85-93.

  14. S.Y. Chen, K.J. Ho, Y.J. Hsieh, L.T. Wang and J.L. Mau. 2012. Contents of lovastatin, γ-aminobutyric acid and ergothioneine in mushroom fruiting bodies and mycelia. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 47: 274-278.

  15. Y.C. Lo, S.Y. Lin, E. Ulziijargal, S.Y. Chen, R.C. Chien, Y.J. Tzou and J.L. Mau. 2012. Comparative study of contents of several bioactive components in fruiting bodies and mycelia of culinary-medicinal mushrooms. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 14(4): 357-363.


A. 壁報論文 Poster

  1. S.Y. Chen, M.C. Fang, C.F. Tsai, Y.M. Kao and H.F. Cheng. 2017. The quick examination of food color additives. EuroFoodChem XIX Conference. Budapest, Hungary

  2. S.Y. Chen, S.J. Huang, M.C. Cheng, Y.K. Chen, S.C. Yang and J.-L. Mau. Oct, 2014. Preparation of Pleurotus mushrooms with high vitamin D2 content using pulsed light. 台灣農業化學會第36屆。台北,台灣。

  3. S.Y. Chen, K.J. Ho, C.H. Liang, C.H. Tsai, L.Y. Huang and J.L. Mau. 2010. Preparation of Pleurotus eryngii-fermented products with high ergothioneine content and their taste quality. 第五屆兩岸三地食品暨生物技術研討會。台中,台灣。

  4. S.Y. Chen, C.H. Tsai, Y.J. Hsieh, L.T. Wang and J.L. Mau. 2010. Lovastatin and γ-aminobutyric acid contents in mushroom fruiting body and mycelia. 第五屆兩岸三地食品暨生物技術研討會。台中,台灣。

  5. S.Y. Chen, C.H. Tsai, Y.J. Hsieh, L.T. Wang and J.L. Mau. 2010. Lovastatin and γ-aminobutyric acid contents in mushroom fruiting body and mycelia. Annual Meeting of Institute of Food Technologists. Chicago, IL, USA.

  6. S.Y. Chen and Y.M. Hsieh. Mar, 2008. Studies on the antibacterial activity and prebiotic ability of extracts of Zanthoxylum ailanthoides Sieb&zucc. and Graptopetalum paraguayense E.Walther. Providence School of joint exhibition of achievements in food and nutrition exhibition of achievements in Student Paper Competition. Taichung, Taiwan. (masterpiece)

  7. S.Y. Chen, Z.Y. Zhang, G.W. Ling, S.T. Chou and Y.M. Hsieh. Dec, 2008. Zanthoxylum ailanthoides Sieb&zucc. and Graptopetalum paraguayense E.Walther extract on the growth of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Taiwan Association for Food Science and Technology. Pingtung, Taiwan

B. 口頭報告論文 Oral

  1. 陳欣郁。 2020。咖啡摻偽之檢驗。臺灣公定分析化學家協會第九屆第三次會員大會暨學術研討會。台北,台灣。

  2. 陳欣郁。2020。食品摻偽及檢驗實例分享。109年度食藥檢驗技術交流共識營。桃園,台灣。

  3. S.Y. Chen. Nov, 2019. 未知物分析實務。非目標質譜分析在農業之應用研討會及2019台灣質譜學會秋季研討會。嘉義,台灣。

  4. S.Y. Chen. Jul, 2019. Non-targeted analytical approaches for the investigation and identification of potentially hazardous substance. 2019年第十六屆台灣質譜年會暨學術研討會。台中,台灣

  5. S.Y. Chen. Nov, 2018. 未知物分析技術。2018臺灣公定分析化學家協會第九屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會。台北,台灣。

  6. S.Y. Chen. Sep, 2018. Unknown Identification and Alert System of Illegal Products. 2018 APEC Workshop on Food Safety and Food Adulterated with Drugs. Taipei, Taiwan. (In English)


  1. 陳欣郁,連耿汶。2013。食品技師考試精要(一)食品化學。華格那出版有限公司。

  2. 連耿汶,陳欣郁。2019(再版)。食品技師考試精要(三)食品微生物學。華格那出版有限公司。

  3. 顏名聰,林鵬翔,黃靖堯,謝孟洲,戴汎蓁,陳欣郁,簡嬈祺。2012。新食品技師精選Ⅱ。禾楓書局有限公司。

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